Last Weekend In Melbourne

Ít feels so weird, this is réally our last weekend here in Melbourne. Tonihgt we're gonna have some friends over for a drink, and then we're going out for dinner. After that, the very last night out in Melbourne.

On Sunday morning Alice, Yazzmine and I will catch a bus at 7am to Willsom Prom.. no sleep this night!

And on Monday we're leaving our appartment, and are catching a night bus to Sydney. Finally on the way! This month will be great, Australia Eastcoast HERE WE COME!!

Flights booked!

I've spend the last 3 hours online finding the cheapest way to get home from New Zealand, with a stop by in Germany to visit Anna, Sarah, Stella and Michelle there. And believe me, I got those tickets soo cheap, it's almost unbelievable!

So anyway, this is how I will travel:

April 13-14: Flight from Cairns (Australia) to Auckland (New Zealand).
April 22-23: Flight from Auckland to Frankfurt.
April 28: Train from Frankfurt to Hamburg
May 4: Train from Hamburg to Kopenhagen,
May 4: Train from Kopenhagen to Gothenburg. HOME!

So when I get home in may I have been out traveling for excatly half a year, just as planned. It feels so good to finally have the tickets, and know where I'm going! I didn't travel around New Zealand so much this time, well, I still have a lot of years ahead of me to do that trip, New Zealand isn't going anywhere!

Shopping & Picnic

Worked until 4pm today, then a quick run home to change before I met Isabelle and Yazzmine on Chappel Street for some shopping. Now we're back home again, preparing some dinner for our picnic in the botanic garden. Later tonight we're gonna watch Sex And The City. Just another great day in Melbourne!

Finally An Update!

SORRY for not updating my blog! Life in Melbourne is way to much fun so there is not much time left to spend at the cmputer (specially since there is 4 of us, all fighting for Alice MacBook). Anyway.. I'm safe, enjoying my time here and are as far away from home sicknes as possible. Still no home ticket, but I do got a flight ticket to New Zealand! The 13th of April I'm gonna go visit Cilla! And we also booked the van for our roadtrip. So the 1st of March we're heading to Sydney to spend a week there, and then we're gonna drive from Sydney to Cairns, which will take us 35 days.

Ok guys, now we're heading in to the city for some shopping and coffee!

Oh, and even if I dont have a flight ticket home yet, I just promised my parents I'll be home no later than the 8th of May. So Sweden, time to start the countdown!

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